Saturday, 26 November 2011

Whole Foods Heaven!!

Holiday hubba whatty people's! Yes Fringe I LOVE missguided and love the wish list you have got going on there!!!

Just a quikie to update my visit to the brand new whole foods market in Giffnock, which is as innovative as supermarkets get! I walked in with my mum and she grabbed a wee trolly totally stealing the guys trolly giving out job that day. She also warned me on several occasions that if we got jailed for me taking pictures inside, she would deny she was with me. When she found out in jail you would probably get a cuppa tea, she calmed down. As soon as I confirmed however that you couldn't just nip out for a cigarette if you had been arrested then she went off on one again! Palava over and on we went.

An American outlet and inspired by organic and health foods minus the additives and processed evils, this Texan born company stays true to its mission to provide the best of and natural products the market can offer. It covers everything from, cheeses to cleaning products to skin care and what a treat to just lull around the place. Pricey in alot of ways, but ideal for a treat every now and then for those of you guys like me, on a budget, the create your own nut butter and meringues the size of your head are perfect for a little something special and this is why it is worth a visit.

The hot soups, pick your own coffee and fresh bread kept me interested and they constantly have stalls of things to taste and try. Ideal! Anyways, worth a visit, get your bahookies down there! They may also have a wanted poster hanging with my coupon on it for illicit photo taking. Be a darling and pull it down eh? Thanking you.


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