Sun in Glasgow! Wahey! And also Mango and coffee bubble juice with coffee jelly!!!! Amaze, I've made a new friend and a new obsession!!!!
Monday, 26 March 2012
Sunday, 25 March 2012
Fringe France diary 3
Fear is a funny thing. It can be all consuming when it is possible to let all be consumed, but when you find yourself in the position of having a certain amount of yourself held back and tethered to another person, that portion seems unafraid. I'll give you an example. Remember that girl with the month in France? That's me. All i had was a postcode, a rented car and a key. The key by the way was only recieved by post on the morning of my flight. After a 4 hour journey through the depths of reasonably northern France my travelling partner and I eventually arrived at the door. A mile outside the nearest village (a village that contained only a tabac and a newsagent - both of which were shut) was the farmhouse. I should mention that my companion was a great laugh, good copilot, but totally terrified of anything that flew, and allergic to wasps. This is fine in my flat in Glasgow with a bottle of wine and heart fm on full blast, but not so much when a house that has been empty for four years must be opened and cleaned. In a situation where I had been the more afraid, or for example R had been there, and could then become the provider and nest builder, I would have stayed in the car. R was not there. I was the one not staying in the car. Normally I would have been a bit of a mess in this situation. The house could have been haunted up to it's ears (the thought of ghosts terrify me) and rats could easily have made a lovely home for themselves. Doors were closed and had to be peered behind and the place was full full full of cobwebs, each with hundreds of bluebottles trapped. But what could I do? Was I going to turn back around and book a flight home? I certainly couldn't afford to pay for a hotel for a month, and I had a month to fill. We stocked up on rubber gloves and cleaning supplies and in I went. The rest is history but here I am drinking mint tea in the garden with a huge love developing for this house. Fear can really mess things up, but when needs must, a way is found. Whether this may be in business, after a flood, in an old French farm house or day to day life.
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Thoughts about skin
Today I have been thinking about skincare. It is something thats easily taken from granted if you have lovely clear skin, but can be a battle for those who might have more trouble keeping everything nice and peachy. I have been a lucky one where this is concerned, but I wonder whether this might have anything to do with my fascination for natural skincare. I've always loved lotions and potions and remember making rose water to bottle and sell back to the neighbours (who's roses we had probably nicked that morning) and creating balms and tinctures for friends at Christmas. Good skin can change the way you feel about your entire appearance. Ever got yourself all dolled up for a party, hair done, fab dress and a wee tiny pimple on your chin? Guaranteed that will be the thing on your mind all night. But fresh skin, clean hair slung up and you can be happy as larry bumping into that ex/intimidating colleague/perfect friend and feeling that you look not so bad after all.
My number one absolute with skincare is, the more natural the better. If it smells like chemicals, I aint using it. I've always had a good nose for artificial smells, and I just feel they have no redeeming qualities (incidentally I also feel the same way about artificial sweetner, but that's a story for another day). So, get out there, buy yourself a super light cotton cloth, arm yourself with a good hairband and a sink of warm water and we'll begin...
Firstly, dehydrated skin can be the worst thing to deal with, once it's dehydrated you've got a bit of repairing to do. Now, this can happen if you work in a big office with heating/air conditioning, if you don't drink enough fluid, or even if you use a soap on your face that's too harsh. This will strip your face of it's lovely oils and it will either become dry and flaky or it will overproduce these oils in a panic and you will find yourself spotty and shiny. Once you've found yourself at this point don't panic. There's plenty we can do now. Grab yourself a nice big glass of water/juice/tea whatever. Also consider using a balm based product, even if your skin is quite oily. Remember what that nasty harsh soap does? Good clean healthy skin won't overproduce sebum unless there is another factor involved. Best to take the guesswork out slightly by removing the soap and all the dirt. Then we can really see what's going on.
Balms I would highly recommend:
Lush's ultra bland. This is a product I came across about 5 years ago but only very recently truly appreciated the value of. I've always loved lush and worked there for a while, but I think people really only see them as a colourful bath bomb and soap company. Behind all that in those wee black pots is some really amazing stuff that can work wonders on lots of skin types. Ultra bland is made using the most gentle on the skin ingredients that simply take every last speck of dirt from the surface. There's no soap in there so nothing harsh and drying, and you can take your mascara off with it as there are no nippy to eyes ingredients. Using it alone is lovely and will make the skin fresh and clean, or slap on some ultra balm afterwards for a wee treat.
Soap and glory fab pore hot cloth cleanser. Similar to the last but a wee bit more scent about it on not so thick feeling on the skin, this one has some soothing lavender in it to help with trouble skin. There's even a wee cloth included so that you can get started right away. I also love some other soap and glory products, more on them later.
Now that your skin's peachy clean it's time to have a look at the condition of it. What do you have going on there? A wee few lines by the sides of your eyes? Dark circles? Spot prone zone? We'll have a bit of a trouble shooting session now.
Firstly, no matter what I do I can see it in my skin. If I'm tired, maybe had a few too many the previous night, scoffed a load of easter eggs, it'll show. Lifestyle plays a huge part in the way you look and genes generally do the rest. Now this works on a sliding scale. You might have the genes of Aphrodite herself, but go out on the lash 5 nights in a row, eat a fry up each morning to combat the hangover and smoke 40 cigarettes and it will still show. Unfortunately the same applies in the other direction. You might eat nothing but raw veg and never touch a drink and still be struck with the odd acne prone zone. We need to just concentrate on balancing out the bad with some good. Don't give up all joys and treats and vices, just try to acknowledge you've had them and enjoyed them and that you want to make sure you do het rid of those bags under your eyes. Seeing a pattern here? Fluids and vitamins and minerals are constantly required, so don't fight a losing battle with your body and then wonder why your hair isn't lovely and shiny. Take in lots of fluid (noticing I'm not saying water here? I'd be a fibber if I said I drank 2 litres of water a day - but juice and tea and all these things are great too) and eat your fruit and veg and you'll certainly be on the right path.
So your skin's clean, your body's nicely hydrated and your brocolli has all been eaten. What next? Have a look at what's going on now. Are you getting a few breakouts? Some oily patches? Is it getting dry or feeling great? If you're having breakouts it could well be that your body is happily ridding itself of all the rubbish it's been storing up during your bouts of dehydration. Once we're done with this phase we can start to really look after it and see the best skin possible.
A great moisturiser is really important for happy healthy skin. I personally am a fan of a serum for my face rather than a thick moisturiser, but you can guage for yourself what your skin needs. A serum is a great way to get deep down through the layers to give moisture all the way down. There are several that I've found are really fantastic and would recommend.
Firstly, my gorgeous Mama is a huge Chanel fan, and I have been lucky enough to be able to raid her bathroom cabinet over the years. The green hydromax + is just so fabulous for thirsty skin and smells amazing. There's something that just feels so decadent about it too and you can waft about the house all smug in the knowledge that your face is just slathered in Chanel wonderfulness.
If the £58 price tag on the hydromax serum feels a bit out of reach, don't panic. Soap and Glory also have a fantastic range of very specific skincare. I love the serum and night cream, but you can tailor the range to your needs and they all work very well. There are great caffiene gels for tired eyes and an amazing wee cream I use mixed in with my foundation (more later). Don't be fooled by the funny names and comedy packaging, there are some damn fine products with excellent ingredients (and quite often available on 3 for 2 in boots...)
Now, how about that tired looking skin? When your eyes are dropping and the bags under your eyes feel like they're showing the whole world that you just have not made an effort and no matter what you do the make up you painstakingly applied just seems to keep sliding right back off your face? That's a rubbish thing to have to combat, and one of the hardest to hide.
My eyes are always by biggest giveaway in this situation, I find it very difficiult to hide my tired eyes. So first thing's first, grab some drops or an eye spray. You can choose whichever you feel would be best for you, all we're concerned about is taking away that dryness that will then lead to redness if we don't sort it. Excellent. Now, try to put off make up application till much later, have a wee cup of tea and let any puffiness go from your gace and eyes. I find that my eyelids get very puffy when I'm tired and if I didn't have every tiny scrap of make up off before bed I'd have to pay for it big time. So clean every inch of that skin now. If you have time, it's a good idea to have something other than coffee, let that skin relax and uncrease (I look like one of those wrinkly dogs some mornings with my face all pillow creased.) Caffeine can make you feel artificially more awake, then you slap on that make up and it all runs back off.
The next thing we need is a good base. A serum or moisturiser that you know works well under a foundation. This is a super important step otherwise you can find that they react badly and cause the foundation to crumble and flake. Then you need to start everything all over again! Then a nice good primer, foundation, powder and eyes. Don't over emphasise those eyes, it'll only make you look worse. Simple eyes, no eyeshadow and a nice liquid blusher are good tools to work with. We're thinking dewy here, not caked. Then when dewy has been accomplished, feel free to knock back that espresso...should you wish.
That's enough for now eh?! More later!
Love, F xx
skin care,
soap and glory,
ultra balm,
Friday, 23 March 2012
Bubble bubble boil and tea!
I've found a wee place that does every type of bubble tea imaginable!! Rite in Glasgows Savoy Centre!! Will update soon with tasting and picture reviews, well, someone has to do it....
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Yessssssss, yessssss! A thousand times yes!!!!!!!! After testing every home hair colour in the whole wide world I have finally found the answer!!! Thank you universe for John Frieda Extra Light Natural Blonde! Never again will the top of my hair be orange and the bottom be white, green, purple grey or blue. Yeeeha x
Saturday, 17 March 2012
If I am neglecting you I am sorry
Alot has been happening lately but I always have you guys on my mind! Have stock piled lots of brilliant stuff to blog about so all of that coming soon! I am currently at work and ooogling beautiful Elizabeth & James fashion LOVES! WANT! Ok see you soon.
Friday, 16 March 2012
Didn't it all go well?? What a smashing wee night. We all ate what turned out to be lovely tasty food, tk made a well good dessert and we all drank fizzy bubbles. I'm currently sitting in a private school car park bursting for a powder room visit so I'm going to tell the rest of the story using the power of photographs x
Thursday, 15 March 2012
A confession...
It's 9.38 am. I am up. I am still in my jammies but am up. Radio 2 is blaring (I know, I love the ol' Ken Bruce). And I have a fully set dinner table amidst a messy house.
I should explain. I have friends coming for dinner. Topknot and the crazy one. Topknot is an amazing host. I've had friends all my life, I've been lucky that way...but 'friends for dinner' hadn't really happened yet. Friends for drinks. Friends for takeaway. But never the big one. I'm a good cook 20% of the time or if veggie burgers are involved, but for some reason have decided to commit to series 2 episode 8 of Jamie's 30 minute meals. What?! I don't even have the ingredients yet!! But the table is set...
I should explain. I have friends coming for dinner. Topknot and the crazy one. Topknot is an amazing host. I've had friends all my life, I've been lucky that way...but 'friends for dinner' hadn't really happened yet. Friends for drinks. Friends for takeaway. But never the big one. I'm a good cook 20% of the time or if veggie burgers are involved, but for some reason have decided to commit to series 2 episode 8 of Jamie's 30 minute meals. What?! I don't even have the ingredients yet!! But the table is set...
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
My first Polyvore creation!
And I LOVED doing it. Once I teach my 90 year old mind how to add all my own props I will be roasting that shizz up with moodboards galore! I said to my other half, can't I just make pretty collections of amazing stuff? and there you go, I realised that is what Polyvore is! woho!
What do you guys think?
An inspiration post for just now....
Just a few bits and pieces for some inspiration, mostly images and the like. All images are borrowed from here there and everywhere and I credit anyone whom I have borrowed them from. If you would specifically like to be credited and I have not done that ( for reasons such as, I simply do not know or cannot find the source ) then please feel free to email me with the deets. Ok here goes hobos.
First off, an Olsen outfit inspiration. Only because today I feel really crap, and do not even feel like bothering putting together an ensemble to go to work. However, this casual outfit by Mk Olsen has inspired me to get on it. Casual or not. Image is from Olsens Anonymous as I j'adore the blog!
First off, an Olsen outfit inspiration. Only because today I feel really crap, and do not even feel like bothering putting together an ensemble to go to work. However, this casual outfit by Mk Olsen has inspired me to get on it. Casual or not. Image is from Olsens Anonymous as I j'adore the blog!
This outfit inspiration is for a few reasons, I bloody love her hair and there is a Vivien Westwood tartan jacket in the mix. Also I know Fringe and Bow LOVE her and I have become to love her just as much.
Loving Kate Bush at the moment! And this video!
I am in utter LOVE with bunting of any kind used in anyway!!!
Seriously hearting these House Of Holland pom pom earings at £50 whoppers!
Kind of wanting to get LOTS of these slipper loafers in metallic coloures and amaze fabrics!
My outfit for today inspired by two pics above.
Love Love
Monday, 12 March 2012
Today I will mostly be wearing
My wee apple dress, a pink cardi, coral nail varnish tights and biiiig heels! I'm also wearing JM English Pear and JM Blue Cacao perfume.
F xx
F xx
Sunday, 11 March 2012
The Bow and her random facts!!
And here's bows randomness!!
1: if I could live in any other time than now it would be the 1950's.
2: I have an unhealthy obsession with Zooey Deschanel. Her clothes, music, movies, fringe, eyelashes, tv show....
3: I freak for Disney.
4: I have a phobia of counting stairs, I have honestly never managed to count the number of stairs in a flight in my whole life.
5: Kelly macdonald (trainspotting, boardwalk empire) once made me a cup of tea and we talked about benefit make up.
6: I love reading - literally anything I can get my hands on.
7: dove deodorant sticks in my throat and makes me cough.
8: I have had my provisional driving licence for 7 years and I still can't drive...
9: following on from 8, I have a beautiful handmade bike called poppy that I like to get around on!
10: I have a bunch of freckles on my arm that join up into a straight line. On my other arm I have freckles which look freakishly like the constellation Orion.
11: I was the village gala queen when I was 11.
Much love
The Bow
1: if I could live in any other time than now it would be the 1950's.
2: I have an unhealthy obsession with Zooey Deschanel. Her clothes, music, movies, fringe, eyelashes, tv show....
3: I freak for Disney.
4: I have a phobia of counting stairs, I have honestly never managed to count the number of stairs in a flight in my whole life.
5: Kelly macdonald (trainspotting, boardwalk empire) once made me a cup of tea and we talked about benefit make up.
6: I love reading - literally anything I can get my hands on.
7: dove deodorant sticks in my throat and makes me cough.
8: I have had my provisional driving licence for 7 years and I still can't drive...
9: following on from 8, I have a beautiful handmade bike called poppy that I like to get around on!
10: I have a bunch of freckles on my arm that join up into a straight line. On my other arm I have freckles which look freakishly like the constellation Orion.
11: I was the village gala queen when I was 11.
Much love
The Bow
Topknots Top Facts
Seen this flying about lots of blogs and as all our posts aren't narcissistic enough we decided to post 11 random facts about ourselves, to let you guys know exactly what you're letting yourselves in for * smirks *
Ok, here goes.
1. For the first 3 weeks of my life I was called Natasha, until everyone agreed that it was a mince name and changed it. All my baby cards say Natasha on them and due to all the drama I never received a middle name. I've considered registering Box as my middle name. I'll leave you with that.
2. I was in a terrible car crash where my car flipped several times and I walked away unharmed. I then a year later nearly fell off, the Great Wall Of China.
3. I cannot Lie.
4. I am a magpie and i am obsessed with jewellery and accessories of any kind. My niece has developed the same fascination * good lass * and adorns as much of my jewels as she can whenever she is over.
5. I taught myself how to bake at 25 years old due to a crisis of ' I'm getting married and I'm so unhousewifey-ish' and I now LOVE it and have learned so much. God love my other half for eating loads of uncooked shite that I was producing in those early days!!! <3
6. Fringe face and I met Prince Charles who was lovely and cuddly looking. He is VERY lucky I wasn't in a daft mood, I could of done with a hug that day! : )
7. I am a 999 operator * sees the reader fear for their life * but ran a business with Fringe for over 5 years. In the last year of the business, a flasher came in and showed us both his banana hammock thong.
8. All my school reports said I was too chatty but lacked confidence. People still say the same!
9. I am a huge Olsen fan.
10. D.I.Y anything and crafting rule my world! vintage EVERYTHING can get in it.
11. Bjork can make my face melt with any track she produces. I considered Swarovski-ing my face just to replicate her!
My life is SO random that this is barely scratching the surface!
Ok, here goes.
1. For the first 3 weeks of my life I was called Natasha, until everyone agreed that it was a mince name and changed it. All my baby cards say Natasha on them and due to all the drama I never received a middle name. I've considered registering Box as my middle name. I'll leave you with that.
2. I was in a terrible car crash where my car flipped several times and I walked away unharmed. I then a year later nearly fell off, the Great Wall Of China.
3. I cannot Lie.
4. I am a magpie and i am obsessed with jewellery and accessories of any kind. My niece has developed the same fascination * good lass * and adorns as much of my jewels as she can whenever she is over.
5. I taught myself how to bake at 25 years old due to a crisis of ' I'm getting married and I'm so unhousewifey-ish' and I now LOVE it and have learned so much. God love my other half for eating loads of uncooked shite that I was producing in those early days!!! <3
6. Fringe face and I met Prince Charles who was lovely and cuddly looking. He is VERY lucky I wasn't in a daft mood, I could of done with a hug that day! : )
7. I am a 999 operator * sees the reader fear for their life * but ran a business with Fringe for over 5 years. In the last year of the business, a flasher came in and showed us both his banana hammock thong.
8. All my school reports said I was too chatty but lacked confidence. People still say the same!
9. I am a huge Olsen fan.
10. D.I.Y anything and crafting rule my world! vintage EVERYTHING can get in it.
11. Bjork can make my face melt with any track she produces. I considered Swarovski-ing my face just to replicate her!
My life is SO random that this is barely scratching the surface!
Fringey facts
Ok. So. About me.
1. I make a mean pancake but can't make lasagne.
2. I'm vegetarian. And live almost entirely on hummus.
3. My favourite film is strictly ballroom. Or Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Depends who's asking!
4. I can play 'take 5' on the saxophone. But then decided I couldn't really top that and moved on to just being anti musical...
5. My pet hate is when people sing inappropriately. And hold my face. And look into my eyes. And mean it.
6. Im scared of ghosts. I don't know whether they're real. I hope not. I'm also terrified of really tall things, statues etc. I think this stems from me being wired on red bull and driving to Newcastle for '1 big weekend' tickets and the angel of the north appeared from nowhere. Baaaaaaad!
7. I fall totally in love with almost everything and everyone unashamedly and completely. I think it's a good place to be!
8. If I had a daemon (go away and read the 'his dark materials' trilogy and come back!) it'd be a wee pup called zebbie. She is has been featured previously! My other half's would be a big white polar bear.
9. I looooove skincare and smells and lotions and potions and wish I had a studio full of tiny blue apothecary bottles of magical treats.
10. If I had my way I would live in a spa. Mmmmmmm. Spa.
11. I've been in Lady Gaga's dressing room with the most gorgeous topknot in the land (we were invited, don't worry!!) I've also had a nice chat to Pixie Lott's mum.
Ok. So. About me.
1. I make a mean pancake but can't make lasagne.
2. I'm vegetarian. And live almost entirely on hummus.
3. My favourite film is strictly ballroom. Or Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Depends who's asking!
4. I can play 'take 5' on the saxophone. But then decided I couldn't really top that and moved on to just being anti musical...
5. My pet hate is when people sing inappropriately. And hold my face. And look into my eyes. And mean it.
6. Im scared of ghosts. I don't know whether they're real. I hope not. I'm also terrified of really tall things, statues etc. I think this stems from me being wired on red bull and driving to Newcastle for '1 big weekend' tickets and the angel of the north appeared from nowhere. Baaaaaaad!
7. I fall totally in love with almost everything and everyone unashamedly and completely. I think it's a good place to be!
8. If I had a daemon (go away and read the 'his dark materials' trilogy and come back!) it'd be a wee pup called zebbie. She is has been featured previously! My other half's would be a big white polar bear.
9. I looooove skincare and smells and lotions and potions and wish I had a studio full of tiny blue apothecary bottles of magical treats.
10. If I had my way I would live in a spa. Mmmmmmm. Spa.
11. I've been in Lady Gaga's dressing room with the most gorgeous topknot in the land (we were invited, don't worry!!) I've also had a nice chat to Pixie Lott's mum.
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Slim me down!
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Make Kony Famous!
Just came across a link via a friends facebook and it has literally stunned me into silence, after a good weep that is! I urge anyone who watches this to please pass it on and make a difference. Because passing it on will make a difference, a BIG one. This is exactly what the world needs. Turn the power on its head and show everyone that the power lies within us. You and I. The little ones!
Register here Kony2012 for your pack and any info on this Peace rally and help spread the word. It takes one to pass it on and alot more to keep it going.
Monday, 5 March 2012
Inspired by eat learn love.....
Inspired by my friends amazing food blog I decided to share an old post from the coffee blog about my mothers fail safe curry recipe and how it can be applied to ANY curry atall. I have passed this on to lots of people who seem to be having great success with it and I am glad to be sharing my wee mothers cooking techniques. Just realised it has been ages since I baked so I defo need to get the finger out and get some good soul food on the go!
Doreen's Fail Safe Masala
2 small Onions
6 tbsp Olive Oil
Cube of Garlic
Cube of Ginger
Tsp of Garam Masala
Tsp of Salt
Tsp of Haldi
Tsp of Chilli powder
Dried Methi
That's it!
Dice the onions into thin slices and add to pot.
Add olive oil and turn pot on a medium/low heat.
Allow onions to go soft and then add your garlic and ginger.
Follow this with all the spices and dried methi.
Allow gentle cooking to fuse all the spices oil and onions.
The smell should indicate ( pure heaven ) and that is it.
This is your basis for your curry.
Add anything you like and water the masala more if you like a thin runny gravy or if you like it thicker keep it the way it is already adding little spoons of water if cooking meat.
The combinations are endless and from that base you can cook any curry you can think of!!
Ok I am SO in love ( yes, love I said ) with Bakerella and constantly check it for baking inspiration in the hope that it makes me wake up AMAZING at baking one day. I am going to try these wee puppies as soon as I get that finger out I was talking about earlier and buy my ingredients. Check out their site for gorgeous and inspiring recipes of all kinds aswell as decorating fun to boot. If I could hold it ad hug the wee rascal!
As we all know I love nothing more than a bit of distressed furniture and home interiors and the charisma it emulates is something that I cannot describe apart from with the term, historical, regardless of the era, the year or the previous owners ( be it nobody ) an interior or image that hits you with pure atmosphere is something that I seek out and I now know it is because I want to be a part of it, or have a part of it. I have started to surround myself at home with images that make me feel certain things and I must admit it is beginning to rub off on me. I read another blog everyday called Decor8 and the latest post has beautiful images that were blogged about to celebrate the launch of Muroband - by Jason Grant and I just had to share one of them with you. I urge you to get involved with Decor8 the blog is amazing! Here was my favourite image from that post! Another exquisite image I saw on Poetic Home ties in with the image from Decor8 and it makes me want to recreate this scene in my own home, where I have no idea and also my hubby would be like...... Topknot what the hell do you need all those for? anyways, here they are, enjoy!
Inspired by a beautiful ballerina friend and the sirens of the 50's I am wanting to try the roll fringe as I cannot think of a more sexier way to wear your hair, instant glam and teamed with red lips and red nails! wah, watch everyone around you faint. I love all the celebs who have sported this look also, I am feeling totally inspired!
I keep going on to my other half how the wall behind our bed is completely bare ( no idea why? ) and that I would love to do something with it but just cannot decide what. Once committed to something it is indeed a done deal and one I cannot go back on, therefor I have to think about it carefully. I started looking at images of D.I.Y headboards and picked out a couple that I liked.Which one is your guy's favourite? Let me know!
Not sure about the safety of this but the idea is stunning!
Chalkboard paint in a headboard shape is a great idea and messages written all over it sounds ace!
And of course an antique style mirror shaped like a headboard is a charming idea also!
Oh a quick note before I log off to watch TINTIN yay! have you seen Julian Hakes latest shoe designs? or should I say architecture? eye catching to say the least and not the bit practical at all I would imagine, however amazing none the less! These beauties deemed The ' Mojito shoe ' are made from one continuous piece that wraps the wearers foot but with no support for the area of the foot between the heel and the ball. Surfacing at London's fashion week, these shoes are going to be the talk of the fashion world for sure!
Ok I am away to watch TinTin and relax for a bit! much love and catch you guys soon!
Friday, 2 March 2012
Jo Malone time...
Yes, it is so. I received not one, but two new Jo Malone perfumes this year!! Argh!! I wear pomegranate noir and see it as a bit of a signature, with lime, basil and mandarin as a body lotion undercurrent. But now I am also in possession of English pear and freesia and blue agave and cacao!!! Man alive!!
F xx
F xx
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